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~The pH Balance Introduction~

Picture of Light Bulb

"The doctor of the future will give little medicine, but will interest
his patients in the care of the human frame, diet,
and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Thomas A. Edison
The pH Balance Evaluation
Although the pH saliva test in medicine is well known, its use regarding body balance, vitamin or mineral deficiencies, and diet is mostly ignored (while focusing instead on drug prescription). However, in holistic medicine it is realized that when the digestive saliva pH gets to be 6.0 (too acidic) and under people begin to experience acidic digestive symptoms (from acid indigestion and gas to nerves on edge, arthritic and cancer problems); while when the saliva pH gets to be 7.0 (too alkaline) and over people begin to experience alkaline digestive symptoms (such as constipation and weak digestion, frequent colds, teeth and weight problems, while getting little of the minerals, and vitamins from their food causing the excess hunger and weight gain).

Therefore, the significance of a simple saliva pH test (done at the right time of day to get an average pH reading) is that it will tell us where we are as to health and balance based on OUR OWN pH balance, and thus the vitamins, minerals, foods and diet that would best bring us back to pH balance---where true long term health is found...


Some pH Program Testimonials
NB California, age 31 wrote:
When I began the pH Balanc Program I was 40 lbs overweight, and had sinus and PMS problems. To help myself I had tried lots of diets and supplements, but to no avail. And, in fact, my symptoms had gotten worse. But then after only a few months following the recommendations of the pH Evaluation, including regular exercise, I had lost most of the weight, and my sinus and menstrual problems disappeared. Now many years later I am still in good health, and also have a 10 year old son who too is healthy after growing up with the simple balanced diet approach of the pH Balance Program. Thank you Dr. Kahn for my health and his!

JM Oregon, age 37 wrote:
With the pH test I found out how in balance I was, which gave me a real understanding of what diet and supplements were right for me. Helping me with the particular foods and diet balance that were best, as well as the specific vitamins and minerals I was deficient in to bring me back to balance, and the optimum health I have today.

MM Florida, age 25 wrote:
Before I discovered the pH Balance Program I was taking all kinds of supplements. But then I found out from my pH balance test some of those supplements were not right for me, causing me more problems (including constipation, low energy, skin breaking out and mood swings). So, thanks to knowing my pH, I got out of the supplement and diet confusion I was in, giving me the means to find the right answers based on my pH balance!

KS Texas, age 43 wrote:
I am a breast cancer patient being treated with chemotherapy and trying to deal with the side effects. The doctors would not talk about nutrition, but I suspected that whatever was wrong could be helped if I knew what to eat. With the pH Exams help I was able to find which foods to eat to help balance my pH and feel better. Your sight alerting me to the warning signs that indicate deficiencies with certain vitamins and minerals, my lack of diet balance and then instructing me what foods to eat to correct them.

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~Copyright © 1995-2005 By Dr. Michael Jonas Kahn Ph.D. Nutritional Science~