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~Z pH Diet Evaluation~
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In every study of the healthiest populations around the world with the longest living people the most common dietary factor found has been a balanced diet.
Thus, by filling in the foods we are eating using the Diet Balance Questionnaire, compared to what we should be eating based on a balanced diet,
along with the suggestions from the pH Balance and Deficiencies Questionnaires, we can evaluate the foods and
diet balance that really would be best for us based on getting back to pH balance!

For it's only a balanced approach to diet that can supply us with all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients needed to keep us in health!

Which YOU can do with some pH tape, and the pH Balance, Deficiencies and Diet Questionnaires at this SITE.

With further advice regarding your pH balance results by emailing:


Getting yourself back to pH balance where true health is found!


~Z pH Diet Evaluation~
  Diet  Survey Recommended    Explanation

1.   _____  meals/day 3 The first step in any proper diet is eating 2-3 times per day with a healthy snack if need be. Eating irregularly, or starving and gorging leads to low or high blood sugar levels, and consequently high or low energy levels and mood swings.

2.   _____  snacks 2 1-2 fruit or nut, or yogurt snacks as needed. But should not be needed if eating a good balanced diet.

3.   _____  fruit/day 2-4/day Any and all. Loaded with vitamins. Very helpful in fighting infections and disease. Fruits help carry out toxins.

4.   _____  vegetable servings/day 3-5/day Full of minerals and vitamins which help repair the body and keep the immune system strong. Vegetables also help release toxins and are a good source of fibre.

5.   _____  salads/wk 5-10/wk Green salad vegetables have the most minerals/vitamins (also tomatoes and carrots). And eating raw foods is always recommended if we don't have digestive problems, otherwise steamed or in soups is fine.

6.   _____  rice servings/wk 2-5/wk One of the most complete foods of all, full of minerals, vitamins and fibre.

7.   _____  beans servings/wk 2-5/wk Also a nutritious food high in protein, low in fat and a good source of fibre. But moderate with the amount, as the excess of carbohydrates will be stored as fat if not used up.

8.   _____  cereal servings/wk 5/wk Excellent food, high in minerals and high fibre to help clean you out. But again we should keep to moderate use, as excess carbohydrates will be stored as fat. And you should also rotate your cereals (variety important to getting all the minerals). "Don't get stuck in a rut."

9.   _____  bread slices/day 2-4/day Good source of minerals and fibre. Just like beans and cereal variety is important, so rotate kinds (wheat, oat, rye, 7 grain). Too much carboyhydrates from too much bread or bread products (pizza and pasta) will be stored as fat.

10.   _____  chicken, turkey, fish servings/wk 5-10/wk
4-6oz. servings
Low fat source of protein with lots of minerals and vitamins. Fish especially rich in elements that protect heart and reduce cholesterol.

11.   _____  meat servings/wk 3-5/wk
2-4oz. servings
High fat food. In excess leads to heart, digestive, and weight problems. Excellent source of iron and B vitamins. Moderation is key.

12.   _____  pork serving/wk moderation
2-4oz. servings
High fat food that should be very limited in diet. Studies related to high intake of pork show higher incidences of sickness and disease. When you buy hot dogs get those made from beef.

13.   _____  whole milk/day 0 Very high fat food that should be eliminated from the diet as it over time weakens digestion and leads to dairy intolerance.

14.   _____  1-2% low fat milk/day 3-8oz. servings/day Best calcium source there is and helpful to entire body. Calcium most essential mineral involved in all bodily functions. Use low fat dairy as a supplement to the diet (if not dairy or lactose intolerant).
    _____  cheese servings/wk

4-4oz. servings/wk  
    _____  yogurt servings/wk

5-4oz. cups/wk  

15.   _____  water glasses/day water glasses/day Seventy Five percent of body is water. Have several glasses per day. Half your water should come from fruits and veggies you are eating, plus teas, juices, and milk. Steamed distilled is the best and purest water.

16.   _____  alcohol oz./day 2oz./day When abused these are the greatest destroyers of calcium in the body, as calcium is used to neutralize them, but in moderation they can have beneficial effects in regards to stimulation or relaxation.
    _____  or cups coffee/day

2-3 cups/day  
    _____  or sodas/day

1-2 cans/day  

17.   _____  dessert servings/day 1/day
4oz. serving
Ice milk is less calories then ice cream, but what's life without a little sugar and spice.

18.   _____  supplements taken daily   Supplements based on your pH, and deficiencies with a proper balanced diet can be very helpful. The best are those derived from natural sources.

19.   _____  exercise times/wk 2-5 times/wk Any aerobic type including walking for 20 minutes or more is the best overall exercise. After 15-20 minutes we achieve weight loss benefits (the longer the more benefit).

20.   _____  Five foods you eat the most.   Are these healthy foods? If not, then seek healthier foods. Or if they are in one food group then seek more variety, as in variety there is balance.

Below is a sample diet set up for a week. Use this sample to set up your own menu for a week, a month, or a year. Just substitute in the foods suggested from your pH Balance Evaluation findings and this diet could could go on indefinitely. The main idea being to for you to see what a healthy balanced diet is like.

Note: For weight loss see the slight adjustments to this dietary program below.

Day Breakfast Lunch
2-4 oz protein servings
2-6 oz protein servings

Monday Cheerios
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Fish sandwich
Salad or veggies
Milk, juice or tea
Chef's salad

Tuesday Any fruit
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Turkey sandwich
Salad or veggies
Milk, juice or tea
French bread

Wednesday Just Right Cereal
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Cottage cheese
Potato salad
Milk, juice or tea
Steamed veggies

Thursday Eggs, 1 to 3

Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Chicken sandwich
Salad and or
Milk, juice or tea

Friday Oatmeal
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Chef salad
Milk, juice or tea
Steamed veggies

Saturday Pancakes or waffles
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Milk, juice or tea
Corn on cob

Sunday Yogurt
Milk and/or
Tea or coffee
Cheese sandwich
Carrot sticks
Tomato slices
Milk, juice or tea

Snacks -- Mid-Morning and Mid-Afternoon
Fruit, yogurt, cheese or cream cheese on whole grain bread or cracker, cottage cheese, raisins, almonds, teas or juice

1. In making salads make enough to last several days, then store in air tight containers.

2. Do the same thing with dinner meals and freeze leftovers for convenience.

3. Rotate varieties of lettuce when making salads such as head, romaine, butter, etc...

4. Rotate cereals/breads for variety of minerals. Toasting makes them easier to digest.

5. Soups are therapeutic---home made best, especially with lots of vegetables.


A protein powder shake may be substituted for one meal until you have made some initial progress in your weight loss efforts, which SHOULD also include aerobic type exercise (from walking to jogging). Keeping in mind that and any walking or aerobic exercise beyond 10-15 minutes WILL provide weight loss, which is as simple as it gets when it comes to losing weight and exercise. The longer the exercise periods, the quicker the weight loss.

As to weight lifting this can be added with low weights and high repetitions so as to help TONE but not to build BULK.

After the weight is lost, exercise of an aerobic nature will only be needed 3-4 days a week to maintain your weight and health state.


Dr. Kahn'z
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===>The USDA Food Pyramid<===
===>CDC: Arthritis Now Effects 25-40% of Americans!<===
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Some pH Program Testimonials

NB California, age 31 wrote:
When I began the pH Balance Program I was 40 lbs overweight, and had sinus and PMS problems. To help myself I had tried lots of diets and supplements, but to no avail. And, in fact, my symptoms had gotten worse. But then after only a few months following the recommendations of the pH Evaluation, including regular exercise, I had lost most of the weight, and my sinus and menstrual problems disappeared. Now many years later I am still in good health, and also have a 10 year old son who too is healthy after growing up with the simple balanced diet approach of the pH Balance Program. Thank you Dr. Kahn for my health and his!

JM Oregon, age 37 wrote:
With the pH test I found out how in balance I was, which gave me a real understanding of what diet and supplements were right for me. Helping me with the particular foods and diet balance that were best, as well as the specific vitamins and minerals I was deficient in to bring me back to balance, and the optimum health I have today.

MM Florida, age 25 wrote:
Before I discovered the pH Balance Program I was taking all kinds of supplements. But then I found out from my pH balance test some of those supplements were not right for me, causing me more problems (including constipation, low energy, skin breaking out and mood swings). So, thanks to knowing my pH, I got out of the supplement and diet confusion I was in, giving me the means to find the right answers based on my pH balance!

KS Texas, age 43 wrote:
I am a breast cancer patient being treated with chemotherapy and trying to deal with the side effects. The doctors would not talk about nutrition, but I suspected that whatever was wrong could be helped if I knew what to eat. With the pH Exams help I was able to find which foods to eat to help balance my pH and feel better. Your sight alerting me to the warning signs that indicate deficiencies with certain vitamins and minerals, my lack of diet balance, and the dietary steps to deal with those issues.

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~Copyright © 1995-2005 By Dr. Michael Jonas Kahn Ph.D. Nutritional Science~