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The Calciums: Which Are Right For You?

The Calciums
Which Are Right For You?
By Dr. Michael Jonas Kahn Ph.D.
Nutritional Science

Every other day we read or hear about the calciums and how we are not getting enough, which is generally true. Consequently, calcium is now being added to everything from cereal to juice. Wonder when it will be added to my tooth paste?

In fact, calcium IS the most abundantly used mineral in the body's functioning. However, what is not considered about calcium is its effect on the body chemistry and digestion, with all except one type of calcium having an ALKALIZING effect. The exception to this being CALCIUM LACTATE with a very strong ACIDIC effect.

Now all these calciums are important to keeping a person in balance, but if you take the opposite calcium for you, depending on whether you're too acid or too alkaline, it can be very detrimental to you and add to your unbalanced body chemistry!

And this is exactly what the simple pH Tape Saliva Balance Test can help determine: how acid or alkaline you are? Then you can decide which of the calciums would be right for you, as well as foods, supplements and Herbs based on what your body chemistry balance REALLY is!

For instance, calcium citrate or carbonate (egg or oyster shell---the MOST widely used calciums) have an ALKALINE (weakening, slowing or neutralizing) effect on the digestion/metabolism. This can be quite helpful for people who have an ACIDIC body chemistry. But unfortunately the MAJORITY of people (probably including you, as it did me) are actually TOO alkaline, in weakened and poor digestive states---with lack of energy, weight problems and constipated. The alkalizing calciums just adding to their problems by further weakening their digestion and metabolisms. This DECREASING your ability to digest and assimilate food---ironically leading to things like arthritis and kidney stones! Causing you to EAT MORE to be satisfied, which would explain many people's current weight issue dilemmas. When actually, as far as the calciums, you would need the acidifying calcium lactate from your foods and/or supplements to bring you back to digestive strength and balance.

Does This Sound Just Like You?
...well you're far from alone!
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~Copyright © 1995-2005 By Dr. Michael Jonas Kahn Ph.D. Nutritional Science~